Mon 27 Jan
💃👑 Mexican &' Creole Princess 👸💋 Lips That Will Have You MELT 👄 Come See What Makes Me BEST 😜😘 - 23
(Long Beach, 91/105/605/Downey/Paramount/Lakewood)
Far From Your FANTASY ...... * 100% REAL PICS ..... With REVIEWS 2 Prove it !! ♥ - 22
(91 Freeway . Cerritos/Norwalk/Artesia)
💖💖💖💖💖▬▬╠╣OT ╠╣OT ╠╣OT▬▬ThE tOucH oF 2 SeXxXy YoUnG GiRLs To TaKe ThAt StReSs AwAy!!!▬💖💖💖💖💖 - 24
(Downtown, Garden Grove, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Orange county/Los Angeles area)
Exotic Massage from the Far East. All You Imagined, and More! - 28
(Long Beach, San Pedro/long beach/Torrence/LAX)
I am the real deal and a lady of many talents! BodyToBody,Slide,prostate Stimulation Toys - 22
(Long Beach, Orange County, San Gabriel Valley, Your Bed)
Don,t Be Fooled by the " UN- PROFESSIONAL" WannAbe Agencies ((C L I C K HERE FOR THE REAL DEAL))
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, I.E/O.C/L.A/S.D/S.G.V/S.F.V)
💃👑 Mexican &' Creole Princess 👸💋 Lips That Will Have You MELT 👄 Come See What Makes Me BEST 😜😘 - 23
(Long Beach, 91/105/605/Downey/Paramount/Lakewood)
__________ Let me be your Candy __________ ITs cold let me WARM u UP ! - 24
(straight'N 0ff the 91 fwy)
💞💞💋I Am The Prize💋oPen it up💖 and see what you've won💞💜💋 - 20
-:¦:- G€oRgOuS -:¦:- PLAyMaT€ -:¦:- €arlY BiRd sPeCiALs !!! -:¦:- - - 20
(Long Beach, CERRITos 91 FWY)
Caramel Hottie in town 😍😝Let Me Join yu on this lovely Day💕 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Long beach Torrance Carson Cerritos Norw)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
×MaMaCiTa LooK ! ! !×X× CURVY ×X× LaTiNa___BLoNdE ×X× BeautifuL AdAmArY SpEciAL 100H - 28
(CALL ME _____________ GENTLEMEN)
💖💖💖💖💖▬▬╠╣OT ╠╣OT ╠╣OT▬▬ThE tOucH oF 2 SeXxXy YoUnG GiRLs To TaKe ThAt StReSs AwAy!!!▬💖💖💖💖💖 - 24
(Downtown, Garden Grove, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Orange county/Los Angeles area)
OUTCALL ONLY $200 hr $100HHR NAUGHTY pampering session TROPICKAL thick TASTY DD mix 310-295-2020 - 19
Fri 10 Jan
Weekend is Here*Relax, Release & Rejuvenate** U will feel like You're Cheating** Outcalls *Unrushed* - 40
(LA County)
—————►Real Pics! —————►GIRLFRIENDS ! —————► __________🍭A TOTAL TREAT!🍭________ - 18
(Huntington Beach, OC)
Thu 09 Jan
!* !* $ new and improved !* !* $ sexy YaNdY !* !* $ MIXED eBoNy 60special - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
▬▬ PRETTY face ▬▬ PERKY Tits ▬▬ TIGHT lil Body ▬▬ KINKY All-American Beauty ▬▬ LET'S PLAY NaUGHTy ▬▬ - 23
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, outcalls anywhere)
Norwalk/ Artesia/ Downey...I'm here! Holiday Weekend Sensation with your Nubian Queen! - 26
(Long Beach, Norwalk/Artesia)
Wed 08 Jan
Naughty=={ NEW } BRUNETTE __ JuiCy BooTY PLaYMatE with A Great RouND ASS.. EarLy Morning TeaSe :) - 21
100_WaKe Up GuYs SpEciAL HaPpY CoMe To CoNgRaTuLaTe ThiS VeRy SpEciaL DaY...AdAmArYS MaMaCiTA - 28
((lakewood) AND (Imperial) FWY 105 _ 605)
** Wanna feel like You're Cheating?** Incalls / Outcalls *Unrushed* Open Availability - 40
(LA County)
!* !* $ new and improved !* !* $ sexy YaNdY !* !* $ MIXED eBoNy 60special - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
Tue 07 Jan
NEW ~ೋ~* L o V e L y *ೋ* *ೋ* B l O n D i E ~ೋ~ HeRe 4 Y o U - 20
** Wanna feel like You're Cheating?** Incalls / Outcalls *Unrushed* Open Availability - 40
(LA County)
Naughty=={ NEW } BRUNETTE __ JuiCy BooTY PLaYMatE with A Great RouND ASS.. EarLy Morning TeaSe :) - 21
Weekend is Here*Relax, Release & Rejuvenate** U will feel like You're Cheating** Outcalls *Unrushed* - 40
(LA County)
❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ ❤••❤• EROTIC ENCOUNTERS ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ - 22
(Long Beach, outcalls anywhere)
▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█ ▬▬▬▬▬ 🌟_GORGEOUS ♥ TREATMENT_🌟 ▬▬▬▬▬ █▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ - 24 - 24
(Long Beach, Carson/Torrance/Lomita/Compton)
ExXxotic ~^~ * Puertorican & Hawiian* Beauty ~^~ 100 * IncaLL Special ~^~ Avail. Now - 19
(405 fwy near // LAX //)
★ —————————— ——————— ● Better call now ● —————————— ———————★ - 24
(Long Beach, Carson St., Carson: 405 Exit 34)
————— ▀▀▀▀▀★▀▀ ▀▀★▀▀▀▀▀ —— AMAZING HEALING —— ▀▀▀▀▀★▀▀ ▀▀★▀▀▀▀▀ - 24
(Long Beach, Anaheim/Yorba Linda/Irvine)
Don,t Be Fooled by the " UN- PROFESSIONAL" WannAbe Agencies ((C L I C K HERE FOR THE REAL DEAL))
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, I.E/O.C/L.A/S.D/S.G.V/S.F.V)
Mon 06 Jan
I am new Asian girl Jojo here from OC,call me - 32
(Long Beach, San Pedro, long beach, Torrence area)
💞💞💋I Am The Prize💋oPen it up💖 and see what you've won💞💜💋 - 20
Caramel Hottie in town 😍😝Let Me Join yu on this lovely Day💕 - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Long beach Torrance Carson Cerritos Norw)
- :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 23
(Long Beach)
★ —————————— ——————— ● Better call now ● —————————— ———————★ - 24
(Long Beach, Carson St., Carson: 405 Exit 34)
__________ Let me be your Candy __________ ITs cold let me WARM u UP ! - 24
(straight'N 0ff the 91 fwy)
KTOA▬ 929-393-8775 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AMAZING NEW 🍑▃ ▃🍇▃🍉▃ ▃🍒▃🍌▃ ▃🍓 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Asian ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ YOUNG - 22
(Carson, INCALL🍓Torrance/Carson🍥Airport🍒Rt-1, Long Beach)
****** If you like PERKY TITTIES (&) a PRETTY'll LUV me!!! ***** *80 SpEciALs - 20
Have You Ever Seen A Freaky Mom & Daughter Team Of MASSIVE TITS Ready 2 Turn You Out For Just $80?? - 19
KISSABLE LIPS ★ : THRUSTING HIPS : & on ThiS SiDe Of NoRwALK . : *. . - 22
LATINA BEAUTY *° AvAiL aBlE °**° RiGhT °**° NoW °*______ - 28
(CALL ME _____________ GENTLEMEN)
Far From Your FANTASY ...... * 100% REAL PICS ..... With REVIEWS 2 Prove it !! ♥ - 22
(91 Freeway . Cerritos/Norwalk/Artesia)
ExXxotic ~^~ * Puertorican & Hawiian* Beauty ~^~ 100 * IncaLL Special ~^~ Avail. Now - 19
(405 fwy near // LAX //)
Sun 05 Jan
Exotic Massage from the Far East. All You Imagined, and More! - 28
(Long Beach, San Pedro/long beach/Torrence/LAX)
KISSABLE LIPS ★ : THRUSTING HIPS : & on ThiS SiDe Of NoRwALK . : *. . - 22
Rite and Tight with curves in all the right Places*** Outcalls / Incalls & Unrushed*** - 40
(LA County)
KTOA▬ 929-393-8775 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AMAZING NEW 🍑▃ ▃🍇▃🍉▃ ▃🍒▃🍌▃ ▃🍓 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Asian ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ YOUNG - 22
(Carson, INCALL🍓Torrance/Carson🍥Airport🍒Rt-1, Long Beach)
****** If you like PERKY TITTIES (&) a PRETTY'll LUV me!!! ***** *80 SpEciALs - 20
❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ ❤••❤• EROTIC ENCOUNTERS ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ - 22
(Long Beach, outcalls anywhere)
NEW ~ೋ~* L o V e L y *ೋ* *ೋ* B l O n D i E ~ೋ~ HeRe 4 Y o U - 20
100_WaKe Up GuYs SpEciAL HaPpY CoMe To CoNgRaTuLaTe ThiS VeRy SpEciaL DaY...AdAmArYS MaMaCiTA - 28
((lakewood) AND (Imperial) FWY 105 _ 605)
Sat 04 Jan
Now Hiring / Exotic Dancers & Escorts ((Xclusive Entertainment)) - 99
(Long Beach, Long Beach...So Cal)
Rite and Tight with curves in all the right Places*** Outcalls / Incalls & Unrushed*** - 40
(LA County)
- :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 23
(Long Beach)
×MaMaCiTa LooK ! ! !×X× CURVY ×X× LaTiNa___BLoNdE ×X× BeautifuL AdAmArY SpEciAL 100H - 28
(CALL ME _____________ GENTLEMEN)
Have You Ever Seen A Freaky Mom & Daughter Team Of MASSIVE TITS Ready 2 Turn You Out For Just $80?? - 19
▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█ ▬▬▬▬▬ 🌟_GORGEOUS ♥ TREATMENT_🌟 ▬▬▬▬▬ █▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ - 24 - 24
(Long Beach, Carson/Torrance/Lomita/Compton)
Fri 03 Jan