Mon 27 Jan
EXotic.... Italian... Greenish Blue Eyed BBW....ReadY To Amaze YOu! Discrete Incall Location-24hrs - 28
(405fwy and Hawthorn/420friendly, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
COME sPaNk Me NoW iM ReAdY To ExPloDe All OvEr YoU💣💣💦💦 70$ Special Unrushed TiMe CaLL NoW! - 21
(Long Beach, 105,605,91,405,710fwy,incall outcall)
-*- {__ *ExOTiC* __} -*- {__ SPaNISH GuRL* __} -*- {__ *HuGe BooTie* __} -*- {__ BuSTY Double D's__} - 22
(Long Beach, Gardena Torrance Southbay Redondo)
^_^~Delicious desserts for you~~I know what Ur needs~Hottiest Asian Girls are waiting!!~~New Girl - 23
(Long Beach, Downey Long Beach)
Female Performers Needed For Adult Films (Hard and Soft Core) - 29
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles)
Lovely & sweet Latina staff ! latinas from south america and centro america.. - 22
:💄((LiMiTED TIME))💄 Independent ✔️ Petite ✔️ Brunett Beauty ✔️LATE NIGHT SPECIAL ! 📞 :: 100% Real - 21
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Out Call)
Late Hours! $50 AZZZ Stacked Like BUTTERED PANCAKES! NEW 48FFF-26-62 Big Thick BOOTYBALL AZZ! - 39
(Long Beach)
Latina bonita si quieres vivir una experiencia inolvudable yama 323 2181683 $50 - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy Norwalk Downey santa fe spring)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YoU'R3: :GOnNa: :¦:LoV3 My SPECIAL - 21
°° LET . ME . BE . YOUR . ADDiCiTiON _________ PETITE. & EXOTIC. W/ 1OO% R E A L PiX °° - 18
(Long Beach)
I'm here CINDY 80$ Latina BIG boobs BIG BOOTY very SEXY 💋GREAT review 💋 91fwy exit Pioneer - 26
(91 exit pioneer, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
I'am a SEXY and DARING you lake to have a naice time with me*** LINDA*** - 25
Juicy - n - Delicious BLoNdE..(100 * Speci@l Just 4 U .. iN - C@lls Only... C@ll ME ! ) - 20
@ —— ❤ —— Free Table Shower—— ❤ ASIAN and LATIN GIRLS — — ❤ —— —— ❤ —— @ - 23
(Long Beach, Torrance Area Latina Asian)
🐝🍦🍭🍬🍧🍇🍒🍓Exotic Playmate Huge Boobs Huge Booty All Natural 50 HH Special Call me Hot And Read - 32
(All Citys Downey Lakewood and Firestone, Los Angeles, Westside)
customer appreciation special Diamond & Chanel for 60 roses special - 22
(Long Beach, 562 310 213 323
COME & ^ ---- | PLAY |---- WITH ---- *(*( ME!)*)* Ready, and waiting 4 U*)*)*) - 19
Come and play with Alexis this weekend all natural and 100% REAL check me out!! SPECIALS TODAY!!!! - 19
(downey 105,605)
°° DoNt WaStE ThiS BeAuTiFuLL DaY °° CoMe SpeNd iT WiTh a GoRgEoUs GiRL WhOs ReAdY To PLaY °° - 19
BuStY 36 DD PrEtTy . GORGEOUS ExOTIc. Latina. 100 Specials - 27
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/CERRITOS/Montebello)
BACK iN TOWN ;) YoUr FAVORiTE CAMBODiAN MiXXeD PRiNCeSS ! #1 YuMMy PeTiTe FrEaKkK!! ♥ ! - 18
(Long Beach, Downey - Incalls ;))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_V_A_I_L_A_B L E __ _ _ _ _N O W _ _ _ _Beautiful Brunette - 22
80 Special♥ §pÅnK m€ dÅDDy ♥ NÅuGhTy CuRvY LaTIna ♥ 80 §p€C!ÅL ♥ ÅLWÅy§ ReÅDy - 20
(Long Beach, artesia norwalk downey/incalls only)
Sun 12 Jan
$60$80$100 NaUGhTy GiRL SpEcials CALL NOW 562~658~8077 AvAilable 24/7 - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd INCALLS ONLY 105)
💦⚘👅A Gentalman's Dream Come True 👠💯🌴💦Salena Sexy Latina I'm waiting on you💋 - 23
(Downey, Downey/Firestone Blvd., Long Beach)
$6O CLiCk HErE ➜➜ⓈⒺⓍⓎ° MiXeD Mami 👅💦👄 [[1OO%ЯEÁL]] 👅💦👄 KILLER BODY • T!GHT & YoUNg 🎀 CALL ME - 19
(Long Beach, 91 / 605 fwy 🏪 24HR fun)
--> BACK In Town!!! 34DD ** Hottie ** Platinum ** Blonde ** Hottie ** W/A ** Body -> - 21
(Orange County, **OC. Anahiem/ Incall **)
(¯ `• ✰•´¯) PasaDeNA S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S (¯ `• ✰ •´¯) - 21
(Los Angeles, Incall: Pasadena Outcall: Your Place)
♥ —————— • PERFECT10 • ————— ♥ ♥ ————— • ( 1OO % REAL ) • ————— ♥SPECIALS! - 23
(Long Beach, ARTESIA 91FWY *visiting*)
♥ ☆ PeRSoNaL PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR ☆ ♥4 HiRe - 24
(off the 105 or 91 exit Lakewood)
♡ __ HΘΤ German & iRiSH __ ♡ シ Visiting Cali ___ ★ 100% REAL ★ AvaiLable NOW __ Leaving Soon シ - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia incall ♥ off 91/605 fwy)
Sat 11 Jan
$80 Specials ALL DAY AND NIGHT 24/7 Why do anything BUT me!!! EXOTIC MIX must see:) 2 GIRL!! - 19
(Long Beach, cerritos-NORWALK- LONGBEACH)
_-_Must See!!!!! ____ ___ ____ For those who like it HOTT!! ___ ____ ____ ____ ~ BUSTY ♥HOTTIE - 22
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, hotel room)
A dream come true
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
💃🏻💕💖💜💝🌸💗8/1 New Asian girl in town💃🏻🍀🍀🍀young and pretty!😘😘😍😍 - 21
(91freeway&pioneer.; bellflower artesia, Cerritos, Long Beach)
All Fun Things Welcome .... S P E C I A L S incall outcall - 29
(Long Beach, NORWALK, 5 freeway and pioneer blvd)
_**6o SPECIALs!! ___ SiZZzLiN' HOtTt _ & ___ SiNfuLy Se Xy _ ~Exotic~___ Playmate __ - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Buena Park)
ALY & JENNY $$70 for boht 100% real pothos call now - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy firestone rosecrans norwalk downey)
80QK_12Ohh °·°·° ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ 👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ Service💕#❶ BRUNℰTTℰ PLAYMATℰ - 22
(Long Beach, 91/605fwys (Pioneer) Artesia🏩)
NEW PICS! NEW YEAR! of the Bustiest 40GGG'S most EROTIC Latina IN THE (562) - 26
(Long Beach, off the 105,91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
New~Korean~ Girl *Skinny* $120/hh,160/hr .100/15Minutes !! - 25
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, NORWALK)
e-_X-_o-_T-_i-_C-_- aNd -_-s-_E-_-x-_Y- EtHioPian aNd ITaliaN pLaYmAtE 70/100/160💦💦 💦sPeCiaLs - 21
(Long Beach, Whittier, Montebello, Pico Rivera, 605)
CoMe _ GeT _ THe _ C u R V e S _ You _ D e S e R V e_ ===> S W ee T _ R =SPECiALS - 19
(bellflower incall)
💜 【⒮⒠⒳⒴ • ⒮⒲⒠⒠⒯】🎀💟Mix exotic Playmate 💟】🎀【 kinky【 avaιl late night】Specials - 21
(Long Beach, Carson-Torrance-Gardena 91/405FWY)
[×❤×]IvE BeEn A Bad Girl ..How Will You Punish Me[×❤×] Si HABLO ESPANOL - 24
(Long Beach, Incall// Outcall 100$ SPECIALS)
👸👸👸LET me be your sweet treat daddy 50 hh Hot latina juicy booty big nice boobs50hh👸👸 - 30
(San Gabriel Valley, sgv commerce off 5 freeway budget inn 👸)
Fri 10 Jan
✘AVAILABLE ✘FRIDAY A.M. SPECIALS ✘INCALLS✘ Petite Mixed Asian ✘5 6 2 6 6 1 3 5 4 5✘ - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk Montebello Whittier by 605 5 105)
80$♥️Perfect salvadorian mami 💋 [STUNNiNG]] •♥️ • [[SEDUCTIVE]]80$ - 21
(91fwy Carson Gardena long beach 710/110, Carson, Long Beach)
6O ✨ Simply ᔕᑌᗪᑌTIᐯE ✨ ZERO Disappointments ✨ 100% ReaL DeaL ✨ Cuban/Jamaican 🔥•₣λ₦Ŧλ₡¥ GłƦŁ - 20
((🍩105/5/605 & Firestone))Downey/Norwalk, Downey, Long Beach)
BBW BaMbII BaNgSkOk iS ReAdY To RoCk ThAt ..K... LeT Me QuEnCh ThAt ThIrSt... - 28
((@)(@)Torrance/SanPedro /Hermosa/Redondo, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
------ B R U N E T T E 💕 B O M B S H E L L ------- B E A U T Y ------- - - 22
(Long Beach, long beach calls)
1OO CLiCk HeRE ➜➜ⓈⒺⓍⓎ° BLoNDe BaBE👅💦👄 [[1OO%ЯEÁL]] 👅💦👄 KiLLeR BoDy • T!GHT & YoUNg 🎀 CALL me - 19
(Long Beach, 91 / 605 fwy 🏩🏪)
NeW EaRLy MoRniNg TreaT ★TaStY ♡EyE CaNdY ★SiMpLy THE BesT ★ BesT H.€a.D D0Ct0R iN ToWn★ - 22
-:¦:- ___N_E_W _ -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____* A *_____ M_U_S_T_ -:¦:-__ S_E_E ___ -:¦:- - 23
✨🌠JESSY 🌠Tuesday Special Let me show U Infinity &Beyond; 📹 Proof PLAYBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷 - 25
(Commerce Montebello bell gardens 5 fwy, Long Beach)
^_^🍧Delicious desserts for you😛I know what Ur needs🍒Hottiest Asian Girls are waiting!!😛New Girl - 20
(Long Beach, Downey 🎀New Girls🎀Cute&young;🎀Asiangirls)