Fri 10 Jan
*NEW PICS* ❤The ADDICTING latina You CANT RESIST. ❤ 100 SPECiAL ❤ - 21
(Los Angeles, Venice, Marina del Rey Incalls)
🌟💛New Here💛🌟 Russian👯 Vixen 💋☎Ready Now☎120Hhr/80Qk - 21
(Downey, Long Beach, PicoRivera,BellGardens,SantaFeSprings)
🔴🔴🔴NEW Creole & Spanish 🔴🔴🔴 visiting (video proof)🔴🔴🔴 sexy spinner🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 23
(Inland Empire, San Bernardino)
💕💖 NAUGHTY💕 GIRL💋 $pecials *U*L*T*I*M*A*T*£*_ MIX [Barbiedoll]. [^UPSCALE^] 💋TEMPTING]💋MAGIC] - 24
(Long Beach, Paramount /Downey/Lakewood/91/710fwy)
NEW ☆ ___!____ {{SO HOT}}___ I'LL__ M_E_L_T___ UR ______ {{POPSICLE}} ___☆ NEW - 19
(long beach-southbay-cerritos-lax)
* (¯`MuSt ´¯) * (¯`' SeE '´¯) * (¯`'SwEeTeSt '´¯) * (¯`'PlAyFuLlEsT '´¯) * (¯`'PaRtY PlAyMaTe '´¯) - 21
(Long Beach, off the 91 {{Bellflower lakewood L.B.}})
❤ N A U G H T Y H O T T T I E ❤ New Pics! $60 SPECIALS TODAY ONLY!! - 19
█║NAUGHT¥ L¡L ╠╣ØTT¡€ ►►►*SLiM Waist* PRETTy Face ◄◄◄ §W€€T lil AppL€ B00Ty ≋★≋ A JU!CY TREAT║█80 - 20
(Long Beach, 91fwy CARSON AREA INCALL)
*´¯`·.☆LIMITED TIME SEXy Latina MexicaNa {80 SPECIALS} (80 SPECIAL) ☎ Call Now!!! Sofi - 35
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Downey/Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos)
👑Mesmerizing Goddess👑 Sweet Petite Exotic Playmate💖The Ultimate Companion🏆Call Me - 20
(Long Beach, Downey💛Lakewood&Firestone; 105/605)
Luscious Exotic CoMMerce \Downey >>>>>> LaTIna - 27
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/MOntebello/Commerce)
*!*!*!*LeXi's BaCk! 405 @ HaWtHoRnE BlVd!!!*!! NEW NUMBER 424-646-1209!! - 24
(Long Beach, S. Bay/ 405 @ HaWtHoRnE BlVd)
Latina bonita si quieres vivir una experiencia inolvudable yama 323 2181683 - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy Norwalk Downey santa fe spring)
€ ¤ ^ ¥______ MIXED EbOnY ______ ¥ ^ ¤ € $pecials relaxing specials - 22
(Long Beach, Downey~hollywood)
Happy Friday $$50 special big booty (( two girls )) - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy exit rosecrans firestone norwalk)
HERE to top off your day with something cute and very sweet ! amazing personality - 20
(Inland Empire, 3055239671 waiting for your call)
Do You Enjoy Sexy & Busty Latina Cougar's Who "LOVE" To Please & Who Know How To Keep A Secret ? - 48
(San Fernando Valley)
EXCELLENT REVIEWS ~ Mature, Sexy & Fun Role-Play, Girlfriend, Fetish, Fantasy ~ CLICK HERE ~ - 44
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Torrance)
ExCLusiVe BLondE FuN *~ K!Nky FuN SiZed PLaYMaTe *~ CoMe PLay With Me *~ I"M WaiTinG - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
Dr Mal and her collegue guarantee to get the JOB DONE!! - 42
(91w and long beach blvd, City of Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
§EDUCT!VE__ *!*V!P*!*__ *!*A§!AN + LAT!NA*!*__ *!*BOMB§HELL *!*BEST §PECiAL*!*__*!* AMAZ!NG §K!LL§ - 20
(91 / 105 / 605FWY..LAKEWOOD BLVD..IN+OUT)
*** DaRk && LOveLy wAitiNG 4 U w/$40 SpeCial!!!*** (Visiting From Bay Area) - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia)
💕💋Downey 100% Latina Hablo español 💋100% real 100% sexy💕💋❤️ - 20
(Bellflower, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Firestone Blvd & Lakewood Blvd 605 105, Long Beach, Norwalk)
EarLyMorNing BlAsT oFF ~*~ NauGhTy SpeCiaLs ~*~ AlwaYs AvAiLaBLe ~GFE~ CuUum BaNg This Kitty ~*~ - 20
come over and keep me company and play with me an let me put these dds on yo body - 18
💜💦💋 come play with💄😘💗💋 Miss Pretty Hazel🎈💖💕💋💋outcalls only !! - 23
(Bellflower, downey, Lakewood, norwalk,, City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach)
C u r V a T i O u S ~*~ BLONDE ~*~ T i G h T 3rD h O L e~*~ CuUuM See DADDY ~~ - 21
☸☸📳📳🆑🆑 COME ENJOY ☸📳🆑📳☸ PERFECT BODY ☸☸📳📳🆑🆑 Wicked Tongue ☸☸📳📳🆑🆑 Independent KOREAN BEAUTY ☸☸📳📳🆑🆑 - 22
(-FAST ARRIVAL OUTCALL ANYWHERE, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
($60 specials ) PuReTo RiCaN ViXen! _______ AnYtHiNg ~~ GoEs _______ ($60 specials )Exotic vixeN - 21
$60 AVAILABLE NOW 🍯 Blonde Snack 💋 Allow Me ♥ To Give u ♥ The ♛Royal ♛Treatment♡ 38ddd NATURAL💞 - 21
(Long Beach, Carson i405, Avalon & Del Amo)
🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱▃▃▃💖▃▃▃▃ NEW FACE💋YOUNG LATINA&ASIAN;💋▃▃▃▃💖▃▃▃▃ RELEASE ANXIETY & REWARD URSELF ▃▃▃▃💖▃ - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk, 🍀☰ Norwalk 🍀☰ 562-262-2404)
► ► ►»»» New Feisty ★ Asian ★ Playmate ««« ◄ ◄ ◄ (310.) 465. 8801.uPlace ASIAN - 22 - 22
(Westside, west side,lax,beverly,downtown,u place)
NEW ★.BluE EyEd ♥ BLONDE PRINCESS Of PLEASURE ★ ★ [ X ] RĀT€D CU†¡€ °•★ W/ A JuiCy BooTy! - 25
(Long Beach, Cerritos/Artesia 91 fwy)
~~ NEW FACE!~~Elegant Mixed East Indian Punjabi HoT-AVAILABLE .•:*¨¨*:•. N0W 80_$pcl - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk/Cerritos/Artesia)
NEW heels NEW PICS .. CINdy 38DD 2 girl for 60$ sexy PRETTY Latinas .. 91fwy exit pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Orange County Lakewood Cerritos Downey)
**Ever Had Sumthing O Soo Delicious, And O So Sweet, THat She Should Be Forbidden? Try ME!!! BLONDE - 21
(Long Beach, nOrwalk Cerritos Artesia Bellflower Lake)
°•*☆ ( =F_L_¡_R_T_Y= __ ★ __ =-N E W= __ ★ __ =B_€_@_U_T_Y )°•°•*☆ - 23
(Long Beach, outcall only ------- to you <3)
ENJOY 60$$$ special Cindy ..... Love To Kiss -*-*- Super Sexy -*-*-605 FWY/91FWY - 25
(Long Beach, Orange County,Cerritos,Long Beach,Downey)
ExOtiC, GoRgEoUs, PReTTy, LaTiNa.. 60/80 SPECiALS! Available LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy!! - 23
(Long Beach, iNCaLLs/ 91/605FWY Lakewood/Downey)
☆ KilLeR CuRvEs & a FaTt K!TtY!!! ►1 Of A Kind **1OO% uNrUsHeD **1OO% SaTiSfAcTiOn - 19
**** Exotic Sexy freaky naughty Mixed race ..I aim 2 please..never dissapoint ******* Great Specials - 27
**Come to Russia Fantasy** half hour special 90 - 25
(Long Beach, downtown Long Beach, Norwalk La outcall)
Counseling Services = Stress relief program **New Latinas!! **Open 12 noon To 11pm- - 23
(San Fernando Valley, 5953 Laurel Canyon Blvd.)
🙌 Curly Hair . Beautiful Ebony BabyFacee. Independent 🙌 - 21
(City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Outcall Only)
~EbONy BeAUty~ yOUr OnLy WaNt && NEeD~ 50 SpECiAL~ AvAiLaBLe EaRLy MOrNiNg !!* ViSitiNG** - 19
⏠⎠ CUTE Asian Spinner ! 🍒 Natural Healing (562) 314-5417 🔥13821 San Antonio Dr - 20
(Long Beach, 13821 San Antonio NORWALK ⏠⎠)
❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ ❤••❤• EROTIC ENCOUNTERS ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ - 20
(Long Beach, your place)
CLASSY & SUPER SUPER BUSTY Hottie with an amazing personality!! - 26
(Long Beach, off the 105,91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
(cLicK HeRe) $1OO SPeciaL with the HoTTesT !*! LaTiNa MaMi (Just what u need) - 23
(long beach-south bay-bellflower-Downey)
♥ [[ CLASSY ]] ♡ █ ▆ █ ♡ [[ BRUNETTE ]]♥ - 19
(Long Beach, Carson/Torrance/Normandie 91fwy&110)
💋💕💋💕💋💕Come get the 👑ROYAL👑 Treatment💕💋💕💋💕💋 Classy 80special✨5 star Persian cuite💫 - 21
(Artesia Cerritos Norwalk 91/605, Long Beach)
(WeTTTT Pu$$y / ReAdY NoW!!!) Oh mY GoDDness gRaciOuS ★ *2 4 h r s*{SEE ME IN ACTION LOOK} - 19
EARN CASH TODAY!!! We are looking for new FEMALE TALENT. Make up to $3,000 a day!!! - 21
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Orange County, Palm Springs)
Looking for taller female gal pal house helper in sunny and relaxed Sottsdale Arizona - 42
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, Arizona)
Are you ready for Real Pleasure?
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, Donetska)
Anya Sweets (THE EXPERT) EXCELLENT 5 Star VIP Service 562-326-3035 - 21
(santa monica in/outcalls specials)
OOOohhH ________ YEssS ______ThiS___ {T}IghT ______PuErTo RiCaN ____ Pu{S}ssy ___W{hy ___ Wai{T} - 22
Rainbow of Colors to Choose From! Your Pick! 80 Roses Special Today! - 20
(Long Beach, South Bay Cities)
Pretty and Petite, Loving and Mature Companion
(Long Beach, San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange County)
♥ oOo * MINDBLOWING * oOo ___ oOo *AMAZING* oOo ___ oOo *EBONY* oOo ♥
(in Call paramount / Out Call)
█▀▄▀████▀▄▀█ ►►► Relaxation Dream Come True ◄◄◄ █▀▄▀████▀▄▀█ ►►► @Dream Spa◄◄◄ █▀▄▀████▀▄▀█ - 24
(Long Beach, Carson/Torrance/Lomita/Compton)
~*♥*~ PUT ME ON Y.O.U.R *~ TO DO L I S T *~ 60 SPECIALs!!! ______ - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia/ Cerritos/ Norwalk/ Whittier)
Petite and Curvy 🔥Upscale 5🌟Exotic Playmate 🔥🔥The Ultimate Companion🔥🔥 Call Me💋💋 - 21
(605/105/710 Downey/Norwalk, Downey, Long Beach)
█ N@UGHTY HOTTIE °❤° Blue Eyed Blonde PL@YM@TE °❤°100% RE@L! Visiting! █ - 22
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🌟OC #1CHOiCE‼️💖💖💖💖💖4 GlRLS💖💖💖💖💖 GRaND oPeNiNG💖💖💖2Girl δρεc¡ѧℓ💖💖💖 - 22
(2612 W Lincoln ave, Anaheim CA 92801, Garden Grove, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County)
🚨One date will turn you into a regular, With me UR possibilities are endless-!!💋 - 22
(Long Beach, belflower off the 91,)
ReaL LifESiZE BRunettE DoLL - ExoTIc CurVY & SedUCtiVe - 4 PerfECt CompaNIOnshiP !! CLICK HERE - 21
(Long Beach, 5 fwy & katella/chapman)
ReAL ( Q U A L I T Y ) _ R E A L ( XXX ) ) F U N N _ ( WiTH ) R E A L _ ( BiG ) ) B R E A S T - 20
(CALLING (91)(105)(605)(110)(710)CItYS)