Sat 11 Jan
60$$ CINDY ... BIG Boobs Booty latinas (( NEW pics )) 323-775-4945 ..91 fwy exit Pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, lakewood cerrtios long beach artesia)
💯⏳💎2 GIRL Specials 👑💄⌚💎New In Town, Never BEFORE SEEN Catch US While You Can💸👠⌚💗🎀 Outcall/Incall AVA - 20
(Long Beach, norwalk, downey, cerritos, surroundings)
NEW PICS!!! Sweet Latina! A REAL Arizona Cowgirl Provider - 19
(Orange County, 5 @ 405 Irvine Spectrum Lake Forrest)
°L°_°E°_°T° ___ °M°_° E °__ __° B °_° E °__° T °_° H °_ °E __ ° O °_ ° N ° _° E ° - 22
💋💕💋💕💋💕Come get the 👑ROYAL👑 Treatment💕💋💕💋💕💋 Classy 80special - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Norwalk 91/605)
💋 Curvy 💖 ★INDEPENDENT 💖★Big booty Barbie 💖open minded ★Passionate 💖 call Now 323-7437004 ]]] - 19
(Long Beach, Pico Rivera)
💋💋█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂eaRly a.M. SPECIALS💓💓💞💞 ExoTic HoTTie 💞💞💓💓 (NeW picS)▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ 💋💋 - 19
(Long Beach, 605 &&& Rosescrans>>>Norwalk)
*+* come an play *+* choose Your Position *+* s mixed hotty - 19
(Long Beach, 91norwalk605longbeach/belflower)
★ _[[ #1 ExOtic bEaUtY ]] _ * UnFoRgEttAbLe PlAyMaTe * _[[ NeW & ThE ReAl DeAL ]]_ ★ - 21
(LONG BEACH (7th st))
NEW NEW NEW ♥ (((( COQUETA LATINAS ))))) 🍒 FWY 405 EXIT - 21
(Carson, Downtown, GAREDENA,TORRENCE, LOS ANGELES, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
❶ ______ Come out this rain and to come to me, I'm a beautiful girl with a Hot massage - 25
(Long Beach, ***__________________carsoncity*Torrance)
EXCELLENT REVIEWS ~ Mature, Sexy & Fun Role-Play, Girlfriend, Fetish, Fantasy ~ CLICK HERE ~ - 44
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Torrance)
🍬🍭 ●A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E ___🍭🍬🍭 ____R_I_G_H_T ● N__O__W 💦SUpEr SexY PeTiTe ‼️‼️🍭 🍯🍭 LATINA - 23
**$80 SPECIALS**» * YouR ULTIMATE FANTASY * EXoTiCa RoSe» * - 21
(incalls only 91/norwalk...PIONEER)
o * o ___________ SIXXTY DOLLAR SPECIALS // 1 O O HR ____________ o * o - 23
(Long Beach, LONGBEACH / INCALLS ONLY * * *)
😍😍 Nice , Ready & Brazilian 😍 50 Specials 626 787 4275 - 21
(Carson, Carson/Long Beach/Lakewood/Downey, Long Beach)
► AMAZiNG SKiLLS. o * o .sUpEr SEXi . o * o .TOE CURLiNG. o * o . hOt 6O iN/call SPECiAL!! - 20
(Long Beach, ★91fwy bUenA ParK near Knotts)
___ MaKe ((YoUr)) DrEaMs A ((rEaLiTy)) ___ COME AND GET SOME ___ sPeCiAlS - GFE GoDdEsS - 21
(Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos/91/605 fwy)
Let's have some fun baby call me for specials - 29
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, OUTCALLS to YOUR PLACE)
Morning RaiN ° JuicY BouNcY BoOtY SeXii FreAk " - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia,Norwalk,Cerritos,Downey Inn/Outt)
LATINAS💯% Real pics 😉💦👐🍌💕🍆l🚘🚘✅ 323.239.38.61 HoT sexy👅👅 soft skin💋💋 PRETTY FACE👌👌 m - 23
(Downey, Lakewood&Firestone; fwy605 CityDowney, Long Beach)
LA Escort ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥playful playmate* i got what you want & i am...♥♥♥♥� - 22
(Westside, LAX,S/M,B/H,Torrance,Glendale,Pasadena..)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN -- The VeRy BeSt! ♥ BLoNdE - 22
(Cerritos . Norwalk . Downey . INCALLS...)
{{LeT Me Be}} °°°×°°° ((:YoUr LatE NighT SnAcK:)) °°°×°°° ^^"All NighT SpeciALs"^^ - 21
Hot Exotic Beauties Ready To Rock Ur World~Gorgeous SASA24!New In Town - 24
(Long Beach, Downey LongBeach)
HOLIDAY MASSAGE Garden Grove is your Number 1 Choice for Exotic LATINAS Therapy ! ! ! - 25
(Long Beach, 12570 Brookhurst #4, 92840 ❤)
HOT & READY 💦 EARLY Morning 👅Specials 👀#1 CUTIE ✅100% rEAL - 24
(Downtown, 105,405,110,710 in and outcalls)
Hot BLONDE Incalls In orange Ready Now 9494349740 avail now - 24
(Long Beach, orange country orannge)
Fri 10 Jan
!!!^!&!YOU havent HAD what YOU where LOOKING fo until YOU'VE had ME!!!!^~*^ - 21
(91 fwy in *Artesia*Norwalk incalla only)
( AMAZiNG §K!LL§ )- - - - > ASiAN + LAT!NA ♥ $1OO.OO §PEC!AL. o * o .V!P PLAYMATE. o * o . - 20
8⃣0⃣L£T Me💦R🆔E💦Your D🍌A⏰LIMITED⏰Spcl🎉Weekend Only 🍑OCEAN W£T🌊I♥️ 2💣ℕ⛎tᏆℤ - 19
(6⃣0⃣5⃣Firestone & woodruff1⃣0⃣5⃣Downey💞, Long Beach)
A TiNY BARBiE ♥ JUST 4 U! ♥ I'm INDEPENDENT ♥ LETS PLAY! My pix are REAL!! - 22
(91 Freeway . Cerritos/Norwalk/Artesia)
×~>Im ReAdY & oooH s0 WiLLiNg *°• SuPeR ThIcK & JuIcy •°* cUrVeY • sOfT & pReTTy - 25
NENAS SENSUAL MASSAGE THERAPY come papi call 562 388 04 66 and shows room privacy tree girls nice - 21
(Long Beach, Montebello WHITTIER NORWALK DOWNEY)
(!!!!! Long beach !!!!!)
Honey Evenings of Desires Come @ MEGA DREAM "JULIET & HAYDI" - 24
(Long Beach, GARDENA CALL 213.271.4845 MEGA DREAM)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y ---(★ - 18
Click Here!!!! (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) COM€ TR€AT YOURS€LF TO THE B€ST (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) - 22
(Long Beach, long beach/ Downey/incalls only!!!)
A perfect blend of sensual healing, erotic education & uninhibited play... - 35
(Long Beach, City of Orange)
(Long Beach, Hotel,House)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__ R__E __A__T __H__T __A__K __I__N __G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* 80 IN CALL SPECIALS - 20
(Long Beach, Buena Park 91 Fwy/Outcalls County Wide)
all new °°NEW IN TOWN!!°° .u pick. ▆ █ — SuPeR HoTT — Thick*EbOnY F•R•€•@•k & (714) 209-2976 - 21
(Long Beach, lampson / magnolia)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 █❤█Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 █❤█ ßusty ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 28
(Long Beach, commerce montebello downey 5 fwy)
$80 SpECiALs.. SeXxXy FReNcH GoDDeSs... iS ReAdY & WiLLiNg To..???? DoN't MiSs OuT!!! - 21
(iNCALLS.. ((91FWY/605FWY)))
__________ ♥ BUSTY LATINA ♥ __________ 1oo Specials! ♥ REAL PICS!!! *********** - 21
(Torrance, Carson, Gardena off 405 fwy)
ALL*AM $100hr Sensual* Fantasy* Play*InCall Seal Beach 405Fwy Westminester *Tropical* Indian*Mix* - 20
(Long Beach, IN&OUTCALL; SEAL BEACH ALL*AM $100 $140)
$6O SPECIAL🍭😍 ╚»NEW BiG BOOT¥ FR€AK🍦👅Up ALL NiGhT 👑 ➡ %100 ME OR ITS FREE⬅ ╚»K¡NkY«╝👙 LeTs PlaY Now - 21
_____( 6O SPECIAL! )______( UP ALL NIGHT )________( 6O SPECIAL! )____ - 23
4O4-991-8677 A V A i L A B LE ♥ N O W 4O4-991-8677 - - 21
(Long Beach, 91 / Pioneer - Cerritos Artesia)
💎19 yr Hotti!es _S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥ Pℓαγmαtε 💕NAK1D NURU B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens / Whittier)
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 28
(City of Long Beach, commerce Montebello 5fwy exit slauson, Long Beach)
♥•°o •°o♥ New Sexy BUSTY n Exotic ASIAN Come Have FUN With Me It Will B Worth YOUR While ♥•°o •°o♥ - 23
(Artesia, TORRANCE)
*NEW PICS* ❤The ADDICTING latina You CANT RESIST. ❤ 100 SPECiAL ❤ - 21
(Los Angeles, Venice, Marina del Rey Incalls)
New Piks💕 Busty Blonde Beauty 🏆 🔥 Tight Body💋 Perfect Curves ✨ Exclusive Provider💋 💯 - 19
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena Torrance Long Beach 91fwy)
🔴🔴🔴NEW Creole & Spanish 🔴🔴🔴 visiting (video proof)🔴🔴🔴 sexy spinner🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 23
(Inland Empire, San Bernardino)
new area two girls special call me $$ 70 30 min !!!!!!! - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy,605fwy,downey,norwalk incall)
CLICK ___ If __You __ Are __ Looking __ For __ A __ Good __ Time ___ CLICK - 18
(Long Beach, To You)
cuM PlaY Wit ThIs yUmMy ► PuErToRiCaN /HaWaiiAn HuNni ::♥:: aLL iNcLuSiVe ** LeT$ PLAY!! - 20
(Torrance..South Bay...Carson...405/91)
Cindy ❤️ I'm BACK ❤️ 60$$ CINDY ❤️latina big BOOBS 91fwy exit PIONEER - 26
(Long Beach, Artesia Cerritos Lakewood)
CoMe SpEnD YoUr 4th of JulY With All AmErIcAn BBW Aria!!! - 30
(Long Beach, INCALL ..Easy Freeway Access..&.Outcall)
**New Pics** *Very Addictive!* Highly Pleasurable!*The One u Gotta Have!!White Come Play w/Me! - 23
(Long Beach, LBC/605/5/Norwalk/UP ALL NITE/CALL ME!!!)
♥ EroTiC bRuneTte ViXeN ★•==CuRvY & BUSTY =• =(JaW DRoPPiNg TALENT) ==•VISTING ★ DiVe In DEEP!! - 20
(Long Beach, Buena Park..91//beach blvd. Incalls)
🌺Pretty Mixed Girl🌺 Sweet & Petite🌺 New Girl in the City🌺 College Girl🌺 CALL NOW 6266533814 - 19
(Inglewood / Hawthorne, Los Angeles)